PSHE and R(S)HE Curriculum


PSHE and R(S)HE has 3 core aims:

HEALTH AND WELLBEING – physical wellbeing, mental health, ourselves, growing and changing, keeping safe

LIVING IN THE WIDER WORLD – responsibilities, communities, media and digital resilience, economic wellbeing, aspirations, career

RELATIONSHIPS – families and close positive relationships, caring friendships, respectful relationships, online relationships, being safe


Why is PSHE and R(S)HE important?

Our children are growing up in an increasingly complex world with new opportunities, but also new challenges. We, as a school, want our pupils to flourish in the world they find themselves in and to work hard throughout all curriculum areas in order to give them the skills and knowledge they need to help prepare them for life.

RSHE teaching is an important part of equipping our pupils for life in 21st century Britain, enabling them to embrace diversity, helping them to make the most of technology; understand the importance of, and develop the skills which lead to them being able to sustain healthy and strong relationships.

How will R(S)HE be taught at Lilycroft?

We will be teaching R(S)HE, which will be embedded within our PSHE curriculum, using a scheme of work called SCARF and NSPCC PANTS materials. These materials have been adapted, following consultation, to meet the needs of our community.

Click below for further information of how this taught in each year group.

Please click on the icons below to download our PSHE expectations for each year group:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4
Year 5

Year 6

Lilycroft Primary School

Work hard, stay safe, be kind

Get in touch

01274 543357

Our friendly office team – Mrs Haider or Mrs Theaston will deal with any queries

Lilycroft Primary
Lilycroft Road, Manningham
Bradford, West Yorkshire BD9 5AD

Headteacher: Leah Florence
SENDCo: Aleksandra Atanaskovic