
Developing a fluent, cursive writing style is very important and we celebrate the progress children have made in this area through awarding handwriting certificates in celebration assembly.

All children in our school our passionate about improving their handwriting and regularly use handwriting pens to support them with their writing style.

We have daily handwriting lessons planned into our curriculum timetable and use the recognised scheme – Letter-join.

A guide is available in the below link with information of our Letter-join scheme, along with handwriting resources.


Lilycroft Primary School

Work hard, stay safe, be kind

Get in touch


01274 543357

Our friendly office team – Mrs Haider or Mrs Theaston will deal with any queries

Lilycroft Primary
Lilycroft Road, Manningham
Bradford, West Yorkshire BD9 5AD

Headteacher: Leah Florence
SENDCo: Aleksandra Atanaskovic