
Please see below information regarding our Local Governing Board in terms of attendance at meetings, term of office and declarations of interest

This is reviewed on an annual basis, however, governors are reminded of the need to declare any changes as they occur.

The Local Governing Board operates one single meeting structure and has no Committees.  All delegated responsibilities are discussed throughout the year.
Please see below for information relating to the LGB.

Parent Governors (elected by parent body)
Kalsoom Yasin 

Term of Office:  15/01/2020 to 14/01/2024; 2nd term 15/01/2024 to 14/01/2028
Link Governor Responsibilities: Health and safety/Behaviour and attitudes
Relevant Business Interests: 50 things enthusiast
Other Educational Establishments Governed: Governor for Lilycroft Nursery and St Edmunds Nursery
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2022-23: 4/4 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 3/3 meetings

Shakil Ahmed

Term of Office:  17/10/2022 to 16/10/2026
Link Governor Responsibilities: Leadership and management
Relevant Business Interests: Khan Solicitors
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2022-23: 1/2 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 3/3 meetings

Staff Governors (elected by staff, except the Headteacher who serves as a governor ex office)
Aisha Haq

Term of Office:  13/01/2021 to 12/01/2025
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2022-23: 3/4 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 3/3 meetings

Leah Florence – Headteacher

Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2022-23: 3/3 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 3/3 meetings

Co-opted Governors (appointed by Trustees)
Jane Townend (CHAIR)

Term of Office:  15/04/2024 to 14/04/2028
Link Governor Responsibilities: Teaching and Learning
Relevant Business Interests: NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe, Schools Service Volunteer
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2023-24: 1/1 meetings

Lauren Whitfield

Term of Office:  14/03/2023 to 13/03/2027
Link Governor Responsibilities: SEND/Personal development
Relevant Business Interests: Member of staff at Atlas Community Primary School
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2022-23: 1/2 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 3/3 meetings

Rachel Allinson

Term of Office:  28/03/2023 to 27/03/2027
Link Governor Responsibilities: Safeguarding and attendance/Early Years
Relevant Business Interests: Member of staff at Green Lane Primary School
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Spouse works at Green Lane Primary School
Attendance 2022-23: 2/2 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 3/3 meetings

Alan Robinson

Term of Office:  18/04/2024 to 17/04/2028
Link Governor Responsibilities: Teaching and Learning
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Spouse is a Governor at Lilycroft Primary School
Attendance 2023-24: 1/1 meetings

Elizabeth Robinson

Term of Office:  18/04/2024 to 17/04/2028
Link Governor Responsibilities: Teaching and Learning
Relevant Business Interests: All Together Now Choir Charitable Trust
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Spouse is a Governor at Lilycroft Primary School
Attendance 2023-24: 1/1 meetings

Previous Governors 
Sadhana Patel 

Term of Office:  11/07/2019 to 10/07/2023
Link Governor Responsibilities: Safeguarding/Inclusion/Curriculum
Relevant Business Interests: Bevan Healthcare
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2022-23: 1/1 meetings

Nasreen Ahmed

Term of Office:  12/10/2019 to 11/10/2023
Relevant Business Interests: Member of staff at Lilycroft Primary School
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2022-23: 1/1 meetings

Joanna Allan (Vice Chair)

Term of Office:  01/09/2015 to 31/08/2019, 2nd term: 01/09/2019 to 31/08/2023
Link Governor Responsibilities: Leadership and Management
Relevant Business Interests: Millan Centre Ltd, Manningham Project Ltd, GHMCC Ltd (The Ark)
Other Educational Establishments Governed: Millan Centre Ltd, Manningham Project Ltd, GHMCC Ltd (The Ark)
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2022-23: 4/4 meetings

Sally McArthur

Term of Office:  13/03/2023 to 08/09/2023
Link Governor Responsibilities:
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Friend with member of staff at Green Lane Primary School
Attendance 2022-23: 0/2 meetings

Mathew Atkinson – Executive Headteacher

Term of office ended 31/12/2023
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: Co-opted Governor at Farfield Primary School, Member of School Forum
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2022-23: 3/3 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 1/2 meetings

Kathryn Gerrard

Term of Office:  14/09/2023 to 11/01/2024
Link Governor Responsibilities: Quality of education
Relevant Business Interests: Exceed Academies Trust
Other Educational Establishments Governed: Governor at Baildon Glen Academy Trust
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2023-24: 0/1 meetings

Please click on the link below to see the Governance structure of The Priestley Academy Trust

Lilycroft Primary School

Work hard, stay safe, be kind

Get in touch

01274 543357

Our friendly office team – Mrs Haider or Mrs Theaston will deal with any queries

Lilycroft Primary
Lilycroft Road, Manningham
Bradford, West Yorkshire BD9 5AD

Headteacher: Leah Florence
SENDCo: Aleksandra Atanaskovic